LAT: N 38° 19.3'
LON: W 76° 27.3'
SLOW TIMES 40s, sunny, winds 25-30 kts
<- yesterdayFriday, November 14, 2003tomorrow ->

Cultural Appreciation Day

Arggg me maties, what yer mean i can't sail this boat out the museum? I'll trade ya me glass eye fer it.

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A new part of boating culture that we appreciated.

Great Books and Great Museums

Cabin Fever Makes the Crew "Get Cultural"

We woke, opened our eyes and looked out the window. What was that peaceful quiet? What was that bright light shining down on us? Why, it was a new morning. And we had not dragged the anchor, at least not more than a yard. Springing to our feet we gladly turned on the weather report and found that the winds had died down. Though they were still not still enough for us after such a trying day, we were content to spend one more day in Solomon's. We vowed we would make the most of our time, now off the edges of our seats.

As a relaxing technique we took up the books we had planned on finishing long ago (thinking we would have "free time" on the trip): Tim is enjoying Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling (Hannah's recommendation),(have you noticed the running theme of children's stories we've got going?) and Hannah is sucking up John McPhee's The Control of Nature (Tim's recommendation). After being on the boat for too long yesterday, we thought that after our read we should go out and learn something about where we were so we strolled over to the Maritime Museum.

There is an excellent museum here! Just the right size, we were able to see most of the exhibits, though wish we could have read more about them. There were Sea cow and Megatooth skeletons, many a beautiful old wooden boat, an excellent collection of outboard motors and a cottage style screw pile lighthouse. We went on a tour of the lighthouse which was moved there after the lighthouse was no longer needed because of a new replacement automatic light at Drum Point close by. We had seen the only lighthouse of that style that is still in use two days earlier and had admired it's quaintness, and the fact that it's a hexagonal cottage atop long metal legs (which are screwed into the mud).

On our way out of the museum we met the other two people that had been on the tour with us. They were from Anacortes, WA, one of our favorite places, and were on a year long road trip. We all went to the Naughty Gull Restaurant and Bar for happy hour. After a quick snack we walked back to the boat and (can you guess?) ate dinner and fell asleep, looking forward to getting back out on the water. Really, we will be leaving. We kid you not.

Grub Report
For an appetizer tonight we had "hot" BBQ wings at the Naughty Gull. They were more like fried chicken though, and unfortunately were not plentiful. Back on the boat we dined on left over mashed potatoes, Near East Rice Pilaf with Lentils, Birds Eye Sweet Corn, Sweet Italian Turkey Sausages from Woodburns grocery store and Martin Farms, Golden Acres Butternut Squash with Domino Dark Brown Sugar and butter (for dessert).

Welcome to a new (infrequent) section where we post comments from our readers. Scott Gordon wrote us from LaConner, WA. He learned about our site on a Wooden Grand Banks website. After we chose the Pelican for our Animal of the Day, Scott shared with us a poem he learned in his youth from his dad. Author unknown.

The most wonderful bird is the pelican,

His beak can hold more than his belly can.

He can hold in his beak,

Food enough for a week,

But I don't see just how the hell he can!

We love it! Thanks Scott! We happily enjoyed this poem as part of our day of cultural appreciation.
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