LAT: N 41° 57.62'
LON: W 70° 39.58'
SLOW TIMES 40's partly cloudy. winds 15 - 20 kts
today's sunset
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Plymouth Rocks?

Captain's Log

915 - Left Peddock's Island and soon any view of dear Boston.
1040 - Just past Cohasset Harbor. Following seas pushing us right along at 8 knots
1106 - Flew by Scituate Harbor. zoom...
1210 - There goes Green Harbor.
1310 - Entering Plymouth Harbor. We call the Harbormaster who was very kind and offered us a free mooring for the night.
1400 - After "brushing up" on how to catch a mooring in Chapman's (the boater's bible), successfully hooked up to this saucy mooring in a tough current. Safe in Plymouth Harbor
1530 - Took Surely (our Dinghy) across the channel, tied up behind the Mayflower!
1730 - Arrived safely back to our fair Slowly as the sun set behind Plymouth.

arggg me maties, April Showers bring Mayflowers.

Two Ninnies with the Mayflower and a tiny white blob to the right, a boat named Slowly.

A Local Brew Saves the Day

Complete with Cheezits

Mr. T - guest Editor

We arrived today having tamed the wild (not really, Mom) seas of 1 to 2 feet, and safely manuevered through the narrow (200ft) channels of Plymouth Harbor. In good fortune, our mooring (free of charge! too cold to come collect from us?) placed us a stones throw (terror alert) from the Mayflower [I pity da foo who throws rocks at America. -Ed].

We rowed our little dinghy, Surely, to a small dock nestled between the aforementioned sailing vessel, and the Rock where it landed. We walked over to said Plymouth rock to discover it sitting in a zen garden behind bars with coins thrown on top (for good measure). When will people start throwing money at us?

Walking around main street Plymouth is an easy 5 minute stroll past Ye Olde Yadda Yadda and the Olde Tyme Blady Blah Shoppe. Since the only thing in town that tickled our fancies was a Ghost Story Theatre (closed), the downtown was on it's way to a half propeller rating. After warming up at an Antique Mall, we found other means to heat our hearts. We came across what must of been the population of the wee towne at the British Beer Company on Middle Street. Our order of a Newport Storm and an Archer's Ale (complimented by a bowl of Cheezits) put us right to sleep in the comfy leather chairs we found in the empty upstairs room. Waking up at sunset, to the PGA tour on TV, we raced down ye olde towne hill to the water and our Slowly. The wind had settled and glassy water reflected the pastel majesty of the sky-- the perfect backdrop to the cutest little boat in the New World (Slowly, not the Mayflower). Satisfying micro-brewed beers and all, Plymouth receives an all over rating of 2.5 propellers:

Fun Facts!
For power while at sea we have "Genny" the generator. A fine Honda EU2000i Super Quiet, not to mention being a red head. She runs off of gas and a bit of oil. Getting her started is much like turning on an old lawn mower, but with a couple more switches. Plug her in, pull that cord, and make sure the eco-throttle gets going in a minute or two. This power house the size of a suitcase gives us enough energy for daily activities as long as we don't turn on too many things at once. Here is a chart of how much energy different things on the boat use up(Genny's max capacity is 1500 watts continuously, 2000 for half an hour):
Laptop- 27 watts
Lightbulb- ~40 watts
Radiant Heater- 900 watts
Espresso machine- 945 watts
Hot water heater- 1230 watts
Toaster Oven- 1570 watts
Vortex Space Heater- 1610 watts

Animal of the Day
The Chickadee -
The Black-Capped "Chick a dee dee dee" is the state bird of Massachusetts. It is one of the cutest birds you'll find in the shrubbery outside your parent's house. Whether it be the cold of winter or heat of summer this grey, white and black bird will find it's way into your hearts; but, sadly, not to Savannah where we will have to settle for the Carolina Chickadee.

Grub Report
For dinner we had Shaw's Signature brand Honey Mustard Chicken sausages and a vegetable medley which included: string beans, apples, carrots, red peppers and walnuts steamed and sauteed in garlic oil. Dessert was Ma Hirzel's carrot cake. Yum!

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