LAT: N 33° 55.1'
LON: W 78° 01.5'
SLOW TIMES blue skies,
smiling on slowly
today's sunset
<- lastFriday, December 3, 2004next ->

Even Better the Second Time Around

Captain's Log

800 - We tip-toed out of Barefoot Landing.
900 - Passing through the wee town of Little River.
1014 - Just passed the Sunset Beach Pontoon Bridge.
1208 - Approaching Lockwoods Folly.
1400 - Fueled up at Southport Marina.
1437 - Docked at the one transient space at City Pier in Southport.

Arggg me maties, can yeh squeeze me in to that thar one free slip?

Grub Report

We did it again! Stopping by a local restaurant "Fishy Fishy" we ordered a drink and only ONE appetizer but still filled our bellies too full for a proper dinner on board. Hannah's Mojito and Tim's Beefeater martini with blue cheese stuffed olives were both top notch. We enjoyed "Fishy Fishy" french fries that were more like nachos supreme, but without the nachos. Pico de gallo, cheese, bacon, sour cream and all. The plate of fries was more like a platter and for a side we had their free goldfish snacks.

Arggg... Aye love me Slowly apron.

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A pelican gives us a look as we stroll into Southport.

Nothing to Fear on the Cape

New Discoveries in Familiar Places

the White Rabbit - Guest Editor

Taking off from Barefoot Landing we started our day still within the Rock Pile. We passed a few south-bound boats, but nothing too big to to get us worrying. The waterway soon opened up to show us glimpses of the ocean as well as the survivors of the last hurricane season.

We reached the Sunset Beach Pontoon Bridge a few minutes late but the tender was kind enough to open for us anyway. We're never sure what to expect at the bridges, especially with our carelessness with timing. (No, no! You must hurry! Quick, quick quick! -Ed.)

We spent the morning driving inside to stay out of the cold. Especially with Tim's new haircut which offers little warmth. We made good time and pulled into Southport after topping off the diesel tanks. We cruised into the old Southport basin knowing it would be a little hard to find the one free spot on the City Pier. It took us awhile to locate it, but after we saw the transient boater sign we were able to nuzzle up pretty easily to the tiny dock. This allowed us to leave Slowly and explore downtown Southport a bit. Southport is another little waterfront fishing town that has been transformed by tourism for better and for worse. Hannah found a giant rosemary bush and and thereafter smelled quite good. Not unlike Savannah, GA, Southport has some beautiful mature live oaks intermingled with modest houses giving it a romantic feeling.

We have been enjoying checking out new anchorages and places to land during this second voyage of ours. The sites are familiar which helps give us confidence when trying to find a space that's hard to see. We've got a general lay of the land now. But taking advantage of all the many places there are to spend an evening and night aboard is one of the best parts of cruising.

Circling back towards the boat, we enjoyed another great show from the setting sun and headed to the Fishy Fishy cafe for a snack and drink. We could even see Slowly out in the darkness through the window behind the bar. We enjoyed the small town of Southport. The downtown is a bit hard to separate from others with the usual antique shops and recreational shopping facilities, but the trees are excellent and they had nice holiday lights. We give it three and half propellers.

Fun Fotos!

Click on any photo to see it big!

These are some other boats that were out on the water.




Animal of the Day

The feral cat, Wild kitten, goes pitter pat on one's boat while they are dreaming of sugarplums. We thought it might be a big river rat or perhaps a pelican coming in for a loud landing. But further investigation showed us otherwise.

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